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There are profound challenges of digital exclusion impacting the daily lives of many of our marginalised communities. Stockport had a digital exclusion rate of 13% which includes thousands of from our Ethnic Diverse Communities (EDC). The gap between those with and without access to the internet is widening especially during unsociable hours. Evidence shows that there is a risk of a growing digitally excluded underclass.

Misa explained that "as a 17-year-old it has been tough because as a student preparing to go to University. I'm supporting 4 siblings (the youngest are 2 and 5) and my Mum doesn’t speak a word of English. During the height of Covid, we only had 1 Laptop which the college lent me, but I had to share it with the younger ones and help them to do their work. Of course, we do not have enough learning time or data for our study work. At this moment the computer is broken so we have nothing. The pressure is enormous

and to some point affected my mental health."

Organisations such as S-REP and Starpoint (a digital inclusive organisation) can make a significant difference to young people like Misa within the community, but with limited resources, it is a difficult task. The Local Authority have a crucial role to play in funding organisations with what they need to accelerate digital learning in the community. There is a genuine need for reconsideration for social inclusive tariff and affordable access to the internet, particularly for the marginalised and those on low incomes which mostly accommodates those from ED backgrounds.



The UK government has set out a plan which envisages support for just 20,000 Afghan people and has said it will ‘take time’. Afghan women and girls do not have time. It is already very hard to get to them, and to get them out.

Female lawyers, journalists, human rights activists are top of the Taliban's hit lists. Please sign and share this petition again and ask everyone you know to sign it and show Boris Johnson, his government and all MPs the strength of support for an ambitious refugee and asylum plan, and an unflagging defence of the human rights of Afghan women and girls everywhere.

Your support can make a difference.



Pop up clinics have been organised to target the colleges and those from

African and Caribbean backgrounds. S-REP recognises that there is a lot of information out there. Importantly we want to ensure that the right information and messages are received to make an informed choice. On the 9th and 10th September, we have teamed up with Public Health Stockport to share covid related information about the Covid Vaccine. The pop-up clinic will be situated at St Petersgate (fountain area) on the 9th of September and in the Adswood area on the 10th of September 2021. We are encouraging our Ethnic Diverse Communities to come along. Please click below for more information.


The Local Authority and Public Health is working tirelessly to minimise the spread particularly so with young people. There are many things that Parents and Guardians can do to keep their children safe.

Question: Does my child need to do a COVID-19 test before the start of the new term?

Depending on age of the child Public Health sees testing still as an important part to keep infection rates under control. The Local Authority advice that if any staff or learner with symptoms of COVID-19 no matter how mild should stay at home and book a PCR test at their closest test site.

Staff in primary schools and staff and learners in secondary schools and colleges without symptoms should take two lateral flow tests (LFTs), three days apart during the week leading up to their first day back. If the test is positive they should self-isolate, and book a PCR test.

Staff in primary schools and staff and students in secondary schools and colleges not showing symptoms should continue to take regular rapid lateral flow tests twice a week and report the results online. The test can be ordered online for free or collected from community collection points or pharmacies. Schools will provide tests during term time.

We are all still being encouraged to wash our hands thoroughly and regularly in order to stop the spread of the virus. Also to open windows for fresh air to circulate.




  • Inform communities about COVID-19 safety, including the benefits of taking the vaccine.

  • Reduce isolation by shaping cultural appropriate events and services for our ethnically diverse community.

  • Improve health & wellbeing through our regular drop-in advice hub and cultural food bank.

  • Help people and communities recover from the impact that COVID-19 has had on lives, through educational workshops and pathways of support.



This survey will help to highlight educational attainment and disparity through the epidemic. Parents and guardians are encouraged to fill-in this survey about the barriers faced by Ethnically Diverse Children in Secondary Education in Greater Manchester.

Your opinions and experiences really matter.



Young people have suffered and continue to suffer from their mental health and wellbeing. Beacon Counselling and Partners have secured some funding and have created an opportunity to develop supportive activities to deal with their emotional

and mental wellbeing Service for Stockport Young People aged 11-17 years old.

SHINE will be delivering group sessions with a focus on emotional help, wellbeing and creativity and providing specific signposting relevant to the needs of the individual young person.

Telephone: 0161 440 0055



Yaran Northwest is a not-for-profit organisation aim to provide excellent quality service to support people with a wide range of psychological needs, many of these people also experience social vulnerabilities and disadvantages. The needs of vulnerable adults, new immigrants, families in Greater Manchester who need urgent help with counselling, one to one support, group therapy, physical health and wellbeing activities as well as advice, advocacy and recovery for refugees and asylum seekers.

These activities include a bilingual team of community health workers, psychologists, therapists and community connectors who are specialists in working with ethnically diverse communities. Yaran has a well-established reach into the ED community and has a deep cultural understanding with a wide variety of skills in languages, such as Farsi, Arabic, Urdu, Turkish and Kurdish.

We have personal experience about immigration and mental health and being resilient. We meet at Adswood Community Centre Stockport



Stockport’s Local Plan sets out the vision for future development in the borough. Local Plans are used to help decide on planning applications and other planning-related decisions. It's a guide to what can be built were known as a land-use plan, and will be used for the next 17 years. Stockport Council is required to produce a Local Plan by the end of 2023.

They are currently getting people's views on the key principles and will use this feedback to shape a draft Local Plan. They want to speak to as many residents and communities as possible. All Stockport residents are invited to complete the engagement survey on the Local Plan key principles.

The survey is open until Thursday 30th September and can be found here:



We all know that ethnically diverse communities were (and still are) being adversely affected by COVID-19 and coupled with the fact that Stockport has always had a higher rate of infection than the national average. This combination had been devastating too many ethnically diverse Stopfordians. The report below gives an insight into some of the underline issues highlighted. Please read the report and help us support the people who are really suffering.

S-REP is working with Public Health and the Local Authority to share correct COVID-19 information to our ethnically diverse communities, to make informed choices when deciding to take the vaccine. To this aim, we are promoting and advocating for ‘Stockport’s Community Champions’ to come forward to support us with correct information sharing.


SURVEY ON FOR 16-30 YEAR-OLDS How has the pandemic affected you?

As life begins to return to some sense of normality, the think tank Common Vision UK wants to know how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of young people aged 16-30. Please take part in the survey and be a part of building the future you want to live in. Your opinions matter.


24-HOUR BLACK TALENT TAKEOVER (10th September 2021)

Channel 4 will have 24-hours of all black fronted programming on 10th September. Its entire programming schedule will be fronted by Black talent as part of the Channel’s ongoing commitment to improve Black representation both on and off screen.

The day’s programming will reimagine some of Channel 4’s biggest flagship shows including Celebrity Gogglebox, Countdown and the Channel 4 News with an all-Black presenting and reporting team. Hollyoaks will be an hour-long special written, directed and performed by its Black talent and Mo Gilligan will front a one off special of The Big Breakfast.

Black to Front features major new commissions and reimagines some of Channel 4’s biggest mainstream shows to focus on Black talent and transform Black representation in front of and behind the camera. It aims to amplify Black talent, stories, and voices by bringing them to the forefront on screen and off screen



Watch out for our program of events throughout October.


1st October – highlighting Hate Crime Awareness

3rd October – Sunday Service

Celebrating the cuisine of the world highlighting the resemblance.

16th October – Slave trade

23rd October – An evening with Rising Stars

Black History exhibition and much more.

Contact us at

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