Islamophobia Awareness Month aims to challenge stereotypes that some people might have about the Islamic faith and Muslims. The month also celebrates the positive contributions British Muslims make to culture, local communities and society. The scope and scale of Islamophobia is such that as per Home Office statistics, 45% of all recorded religious hate crime offences in England & Wales were targeted against Muslims, in the year ending March 2021.
Beyond interpersonal attacks, Islamophobia is systemic in nature, creating barriers in access to employment, impacting educational attainment and restricting political participation, for example. Commenting on the beginning of IAM 2021, MCB Secretary-General, Zara Mohammed, said: “50% of British Muslims are under the age of 25. How we respond to Islamophobia now will determine the safety of, and opportunities available to younger generations of British Muslims. In order to build thriving communities, we must take firm action against this pervasive form of bigotry. This requires political will, and leadership at the top, alongside robust partnerships at a grassroots level. “The MCB reiterates its call for the Government to adopt the APPG on British Muslim’s definition of Islamophobia and to implement the recommendations made by the Singh investigation. Islamophobia is not only a Muslim problem – it is a societal one. We must all come together to tackle it.”
Islam is the world’s second-largest religion with over 1.8 billion followers. There is evidence of contact between the English and Muslims going back over 1,000 years, with the first large group arriving in the UK as sailors recruited from India 300 years ago. Muslims are arguably the most diverse group on the planet originating from communities all over the world including Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Despite being so widespread across the world, there is a lot of discrimination directed at this religious group. A study has shown that in the media for every one moderate or positive reference to Muslims there are 21 extreme or negative references that occur, and this can help to promote a culture of fear within non-Muslims, which is misinformed.
Muslims can also face discrimination within the workplace and in employment opportunities, with another study showing that people with ‘Muslim sounding names’ who submit a CV are three times less likely to get the job they are applying for. A further issue across both the UK and the world is that Muslims remain underrepresented in key areas of public life – particularly in politics, broadcasting and journalism where representation would help to combat negative stereotyping.
It is important that we all recognise and stand against such discrimination. The reality is that we are lucky to have so many inspirational Islamic individuals within the UK today who have strived and made positive contributions to our society. Just one example of this is the fact that British Muslims have been ranked the top charity-givers in Britain, and it is estimated that Muslims give £100 million to charities during Ramadan each year – that is £38 per second! This generosity is even more amazing when you consider that Muslims face more poverty than other religious groups living in the UK.
We need to connect with our faith leaders, and partners in the Council, NHS, Fire and Rescue Service and the Police – to send a message that we will not tolerate hate or anti-Islamic actions or statements. It’s a small but incredibly important step towards eradicating discrimination from our society for good.
This month and every month, we should celebrate and protect our Muslim friends, colleagues and community. Tackling Islamophobia is a big task but it starts small. It’s vital that we educate ourselves about the positives of the Muslim community rather than allowing ourselves to be swayed by negative reporting and stereotypes.

Integrated care is about giving people the support they need, joining up across local councils, the NHS, and other partners. It removes traditional divisions between hospitals and family doctors, between physical and mental health, and between NHS and council services. In the past, these divisions have meant that too many people experienced disjointed care.
Integrated care systems (ICSs) are new partnerships between the
organisations that meet health and care needs across an area,
coordinate services and plan in a way that improves population health and reduces inequalities between different groups.
Since 2018, they have been deepening the relationship in many areas between the NHS, local councils and other important strategic partners such as the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. They have developed better and more convenient services, invested in keeping people healthy and out of the hospital and set shared priorities for the future.
For too long now the one size fits all service provision has been too apparent within the service delivery of our health service. S-REP is asking Partner organisations and providers to tap into the lived experiences of Ethnic Diverse Communities, albeit that there are a lack of engagement and little or no data gathered on the experiences of the community and staff experiences for e.g., experience in discrimination, micro-aggressions, cultural insensitivity. interpretation, translation, and lack of cultural competence.
As the new system is implemented S-REP would like NHS Stockport to consider key areas:
There is a need to develop robust cultural awareness training in partnership with SREP and other like-minded organisations to support the locality experience.
Developing a relationship with SREP as a reference point to provide a platform for feedback to ensure that the EDC needs are taken into consideration.
Building stronger relationships with ethnically diverse communities to make sure health services meet people’s needs.
Strengthening governance and accountability on race equality, including embedding the voice of the ED communities in co-designing cultural competency training and implementing good practice in recruitment and progression.
It is essential to develop skills audit in translation services and improve service delivery.
Progression opportunities must be routed as part of the wellbeing action plan.
HealthWatch Stockport has a significant part to play in ensuring accountability to the Service users.

The rates of COVID-19 infections are on the rise again and winter is just
around the corner. It’s very important that you have the correct information
to make an informed choice when considering taking the vaccine.
At S-REP we are here to support you in your decision by giving you
the correct information so you are not influenced by fake news.

The rates of COVID-19 infections are on the rise again and winter is just
around the corner. It's very important that you have the correct information
to make an informed choice when considering taking the vaccine.
At S-REP we are here to support you in your decision by giving you
the correct information so you are not influenced by fake news.

The month of November is important for the masculine soul because it gathers several events that are important to men. Movember is the month we focus on raising money for mens health. On November 20 we celebrate International Children's Day which then forms 48 hours of celebration for men and children, and the special relationship they share. We have plenty of reasons to celebrate International Men’s Day. We invite you to check out our fact sheet on how to run a community event for International Men’s Day.
International Men’s Day encourages men to teach the boys in their lives the values, character and responsibilities of being a man.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “We must become the change we seek.” It is only when we all, both men and women, lead by example that we will create a fair and safe society that allows everyone the opportunity to prosper..

S-REP COVID-19 advice hub is open each Tuesday – 12.30 pm to 3 pm.
Have you got any worries about how the pandemic has affected your life?
Do you have any housing or benefits issues?
Are you struggling with finance or food?
Please don't suffer in silence, your wellbeing really matters, so come and have a chat. Our drop-in hub is an open and welcoming safe space for you to freely share your concerns (which we will try and support you to resolve).
1-2-1 slots available.
The Space, 26 St Petersgate, Stockport SK1 1HD.
ISLAMOPHOBIA - THE CONVERSATION Thursday 25th November 2021

Join us for this important undiluted conversation about Islamophobia. What is it? How does it affect people? And what can we do to tackle it and support people who are suffering from this kind of racism?